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The Power of the Anointing CD Series

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Are you tired of tolerating defeat in any area of your life? Here’s good news: You can live free from every yoke of the devil. You can even demolish burdens in the lives of those around you. How? Through The Power of the Anointing.

When you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, you accepted His healing, delivering, bondage-crushing power. Now, He’s equipped you to minister that same power to the world. In this two-CD set, discover the revelation of His powerful anointing when you learn:

  • Exactly what “the anointing” is
  • What Jesus intended to be the cornerstone message of the Church
  • How to protect the anointing within you
  • One main calling for every Christian today—and how you can take up that call

Let God’s burden-removing, yoke-destroying Power of the Anointing completely set you free…so you can take that power to the world!

2 Messages on 2 CDs

Teaching on Compact Disc

By Kenneth Copeland