In her three-part teaching series, Prepare the Way MP3 on USB, Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons reveals how God has used His prophets throughout the ages to make His people ready to receive and understand things to come in the earth.
How much do you know about the ministry of the prophet? Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons takes the mystery out of the often confusing topic of the role of the prophet and the prophetic word.
In this series, you will:
God’s people have a role to play in how the prophetic flows in our lives. When we understand what the prophet’s ministry is supposed to reveal, we can help prepare the atmosphere for the move of God’s Spirit in our lives and in our world.
We can build a highway in the spirit for the prophetic to flow and keep the way open for the ministry of the prophetic in our generation!
Teaching on MP3USB
By Terri Pearsons