Books/All Books/Your 10-Day Spiritual Action Plan for Complete Financial Breakthrough LifeLine Kit

Your 10-Day Spiritual Action Plan for Complete Financial Breakthrough LifeLine Kit

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God’s financial system transcends the national economy, the stock market and any company’s layoff plan. And, He wants you and your family to take advantage of it…not just for personal blessing, but also for the advancement of His kingdom!

Whether you’re facing financial turmoil or just wanting to live debt free, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland have a LifeLine Kit that will help you think scripturally about your finances, wealth and prosperity.

This LifeLine Kit includes uncompromised, detailed teaching about prosperity by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, with interactive devotional questions to help you apply the teaching to your own situation. It also includes a CD filled with confession scriptures about by prosperity read by Kenneth Copeland; worship music on CD that focuses on God’s heart for your financial well-being; and DVD teaching specifically chosen to help keep you focused on the Word. And finally, take-along Faith in Action cards that provide a connection point with the materials.

By following this simple and practical Spiritual Action Plan, in 10 days, you’ll completely renew your mind to what God says about your finances, so you can stand in faith and believe for the breakthrough you need!

Paperback Book, CD, DVD

By Kenneth and Gloria Copeland