Special Offers/All Special Offers/Your Authority in Jesus MP3 Package

Your Authority in Jesus MP3 Package

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God created man in His own image and gave him authority in the earth. He gave man the authority to use the creative power of words to create his own world, just as God used His Words to create. But a single act of disobedience unleashed the curse of sin, sickness, poverty and fear into man’s life.

The authority of the believer was re-established in this earth by the single act of obedience of God’s Son, Jesus. It is by the power of His Name—the Name of Jesus—that we may walk in the authority God granted from Creation.

Brother Copeland teaches how the Lord Jesus Christ destroyed the power of the curse and returned the power of creativity and authority to mankind. He shares the truths of God’s Word about the power available to every believer to live every moment in authority and in freedom from the curse.

This package includes the MP3 DISC and companion study guide, which gives an overview of topics discussed, as well as outlines, questions, and space to take notes as you listen to what is taught.

By Kenneth Copeland