Featured Items/The Joy and Power of the Tithing Covenant

The Joy and Power of the Tithing Covenant

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Tithing is a powerful biblical principle preached in many churches. But until believers gain a deeper understanding of its covenant connection to God and why it matters to Him, it becomes a religious exercise instead of an act of joy and worship.

Kenneth Copeland examines what Scripture says about tithing and why it’s still relevant today. Solid, biblical evidence will reveal:

  • Why tithing is a spiritual, not a religious, principle
  • What God promises the tither
  • How the tithe is connected to THE BLESSING.

Get your copy of The Joy and Power of the Tithing Covenant, by Kenneth Copeland, today and gain a deeper understanding of the tithe and discover why it’s the smartest financial decision you’ll ever make!

Paperback Book

By Kenneth Copeland