Special Offers/All Special Offers/God's Word First Priority CD Package

God's Word First Priority CD Package

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We all have very busy lives, and we make decisions each day about what to do first. In our God’s Word First Priority CD Package, Kenneth Copeland helps you order your day by putting God’s Word first, so you can be productive and fulfilled!

Yes, you face decisions every day about what to do, where to go, what to say. You have questions. You have tasks. You probably ask, “God what do I do first?” From morning to night, you’re scratching off items on your to-do list. Some of your items may have been easy; some may have been more difficult.

With these two foundational teachings from Kenneth Copeland, you can learn how to go through every day knowing you’ve done exactly what will prosper you and bless the people in your life.

The Word Works – It’s All I Need CD series from Brother Copeland will help you plan your days in the promises of God’s Word. The WORD guarantees to bring the results you desire, and covers every task and interaction in your day.

Only One Thing minibook by Brother Copeland will help you understand Jesus’ way of operating in life that can become your mode of operation as well. Every day as you attend to God’s Word (Proverbs 4:20), you will experience your life falling into place and going from “ho-hum” to “hallelujah”!

Request the God’s Word First Priority Package today, and discover that God’s Word is alive and powerful. It carries the ability to produce what you need…every time. In fact, it’s all you need!